There may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning.

Monday, May 30, 2011


So I have decided to embark on a little adventure.  I am about to be "happy to be nappy!"  I think.  I have done many things to my hair over the years, relaxers, curls, back to relaxer, flat iron, kinky twists, you name it.  But one thing I have NEVER done with my hair is to wear it natural.

Now this can be quite a controversial subject in the black community.  However, this is NOT my intention with this post.  But if you want to read an interesting article on the subject, Hello Negro is a great place to start.

Moving On.  So anywho, after being accustomed to wearing my hair in different bob cuts, last year, I took the plunge and cut my hair very short.

Now while I absolutely love this hair cut, my hair grows extremely fast.  My natural hair curls so the back of my hair and the sides end up being curly and the top of it is straight because it's relaxed.  And quite frankly, I just DO NOT want to keep up with it!

So, I'm not trying to make a radical statement here.  I'm just trying to achieve the two C's...convenience and cute! Ya feel me?  And how cool will it be, to be able to go back and forth between curly and straight?  I'm guessing I will mainly wear the curls.

I posted this on my facebook page and the general consensus was to go for it. But I had one black, male friend who adamantly suggested I, "don't do it!"  He also said..."Yatta you know that mess aint cute!"

Now here is where the subject can get controversial.  You know like how the black race has been conditioned to believe what is beautiful, how our perception of beauty stems from slavery and all of that.

But I'm not going there today.  That's a later post. :)


Sunday, May 29, 2011

How Far Are You Willing to Stretch?

When I think of stretching, I picture something similar to the young man in the picture.  Yes we can stretch our muscles but, that is not what I am talking about today.  So stay with me, I have an interesting story for ya.

Yesterday I tried out for worship team at my church .  My worship leaders were very impressed with my vocals but I lacked in stage presence.  My voice was worshiping but my body was not.  I'm not surprised because physical worship has always been an area where I struggle.

I was in my mid thirties before I could even get up the nerve to raise my hands during worship.  Sounds pretty stupid hugh?  Yeah I know but God has really been talking to me over this weekend and revealing what inhibits my ability to just let go and worship Him.

Okay, are you ready for this?  We're friends so, this is going to get a little personal.  Much of it boils down to weight! Of which, mine has gone UP since having kids ya'll.  Can you believe that?  Not that I gained weight having children but it's my weight that keeps me from worshiping!

I feel that if I draw attention to myself people will see all of my physical flaws and pay more attention to how fat I am than anything else.  I don't know about you, but in talking with some of my girlfriends who have picked up some weight over the years, when you don't like your weight and you walk into a room, you feel like everyone is judging you because of how you look.

Now I know that might sound as crazy as a blind mind driving but unfortunately, it is what it is.  Now when I'm in choir, I can raise my hands, smile, cry, pray, problem.  It's a group setting and we're all up there doing it.  But to stand out front in worship team, where I am on that big screen and peeps are looking at me?  Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllp!!!!!!!

So what does this have to do with stretching you might ask?  Well if my vocals happen to be good enough to out weigh the lack of stage presence and I actually make the worship team, I am really going to have to allow God to stretch my worship abilities as well as my mind set.  For me, that will be like turning a person with rheumatoid arthritis into a contortionist!

Then WHY did you even try out for worship team?  Uh huh, I know that's what you're thinking! :)  Well I tried out because I am willing and desire to be stretched in this area.  I NEED to be stretched in this area.  Lord turn me into a worshiping contortionist!  Do it Lord!

Now, I'm not saying it won't take some patience on my worship leaders parts and some serious faith on my part but, when you are willing to let God stretch you, he takes your mind and body further than you could ever imagine.

So I ask you my friends, how far are YOU willing to stretch in areas that you struggle with?


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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Over a Mocha

If we were going to meet up and get to know one another, I would suggest that we do it over a Cafe Mocha at my favorite coffee house, Scooters.  There we would get to know one another in an ambient setting, sipping on drinks of comfort.

You Would learn that I am married with four children and a dog.  I would tell you with great pride how much I love Jesus and how much I love my church, Lifegate.

I would listen as you tell me all that you wish to divulge and I know we would laugh and have a good time. Laughing is good for the soul!

And if you didn't remember anything else, I would want you to remember that my friends call me Yatta.  So, the next time we meet, whether it be over a mocha or you reading this blog, call me Yatta, because you ARE my friend. :)


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